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  • What are the most common misunderstandings in automobile maintenance?

    2019-12-09 17:05:22
    When a car needs to be repaired, it is often treated differently in various situations. Many car owners or repair points will "treat the same thing", but in fact, the same problem is not the same way to deal with it. There are several common misunderstandings in the daily repair of the car. In order to avoid the wrong place in the repair, let's have a look with the auto sheet metal parts manufacturer!
  • What are the common application fields of automotive stamping parts?

    2019-12-06 17:03:41
    Steel plate and steel strip in automobile stamping parts: the steel used for cold stamping is mainly steel plate and steel strip, accounting for 72.6% of the steel consumption of the whole vehicle. The relationship between cold stamping materials and automobile stamping parts production is very close. The quality of materials not only determines the performance of products, but also directly affects the process design of automobile stamping parts, and affects the quality, cost, service life and production of products Organization, so the reasonable selection of materials is an important and complex work.
  • Do you know the material selection of stamping parts?

    2019-12-05 17:09:48
    The manufacture of automobile stamping parts is to use the pressure of press to punch metal or non-metal dies to form processing parts. The great feature of stamping parts is that they can not consume much material, and the processed parts after stamping have good rigidity and light weight. After plastic deformation, the metal structure can be greatly improved, so that the strength of stamping parts can be improved a lot.
  • What is stamping technology of automobile stamping parts?

    2019-12-04 10:29:52
    Automobile stamping parts on automobile body are generally divided into covering parts, beam frame parts and general stamping parts. The stamping parts that can clearly represent the image characteristics of the automobile are automobile cover parts. Therefore, the more specific automobile die can be said to be "automobile panel stamping die". It is short for automobile panel die. For example, front door outer panel trimming die, front door inner panel punching die, etc.
  • Do you know the design principle of automobile stamping parts?

    2019-12-03 10:27:52
    Why are the shapes of automobile stamping parts so strange? The shapes of automobile body stamping parts should meet the shape needs of the body appearance modeling; to meet the needs of mechanical strength, some stiffeners are needed, and the wind resistance should be considered for the outer plate; to meet the requirements of automobile function, hole, stress surface, etc.; to meet the requirements of stamping process and welding process.
  • How to ensure the quality of automobile stamping parts?

    2019-12-02 10:25:44
    In the automobile market, we will find that in addition to the relevant parts and components of the automobile, the automobile stamping products also exist. The difference is that they are the parts and components materials that need to be processed, welded, or completed by other processes. In particular, what impact do these stamping parts have on the automobile?
  • How to solve the problem of welding distortion of automobile stamping parts?

    2019-11-29 10:23:45
    The manufacture of automobile stamping parts is a forming and processing method to produce plastic deformation or separation of sheet, strip, pipe and profile by applying external force to the press and die, so as to obtain the required shape and size of workpiece (stamping parts):
  • Do you know the principle of stamping parts selection?

    2019-11-28 10:21:41
    Automobile stamping parts is a kind of common automobile parts. We can see this kind of parts in many times, but we believe that many friends do not fully grasp this product, especially those who are not engaged in this industry. If they need to purchase automobile stamping parts by themselves, they will have the fear of choosing which model to buy, Which one should we buy? The cheaper one or the more expensive one. With all kinds of problems, let's learn how to judge the quality of automobile stamping parts and how to choose them to make us happy. Here's a detailed introduction of automobile stamping parts manufacturers to you:
  • Analysis of the current situation of automobile body manufacturing technology in China?

    2019-11-27 10:19:02
    The rapid development of China's automobile industry has brought broad development space for the domestic automobile mold. In addition, due to the cost and market factors, the focus of mold manufacturing in developed countries has gradually shifted to the developing countries represented by China. The comprehensive factors at home and abroad promote the rapid development of domestic automobile die industry, and many new automobile die enterprises appear.
  • What are the tips for opening the front cover of a car?

    2019-11-26 11:55:57
    When a newly purchased car or a new novice driver wants to clean the parts under the front cover, they often don't open the front cover. Today, auto parts manufacturers teach you the skills of opening the front cover.
  • What are the crash protection measures for car body?

    2019-11-25 11:53:12
    The safety of car body is a very important problem. Many people think that the body safety is not safe, the important thing is that the body is not firm, but modern cars and designers from the perspective of mechanical research, according to different stress conditions, let part of the car body play the role of energy absorption and dispersion during collision, and try to reduce the impact force. This problem belongs to the category of vehicle passive safety performance. Today, automobile sheet metal parts manufacturers share relevant knowledge about anti-collision measures of automobile body.
  • Do you know how to repair dents in automobile sheet metal parts?

    2019-11-22 11:50:36
    Automobile sheet metal parts is a processing method of automobile maintenance, also called cold work Say directly, if the exterior of the car body is damaged or deformed, the process of sheet metal is needed to restore the original appearance The basic tool is a hammer. Hammers with different shapes are padded with iron blocks at the back of the sheet metal parts, which are hammered repeatedly to form When necessary, you need to use the appearance restorer. This thing belongs to welding. Weld the iron ring on the body and pull it out with the hook. Used to repair sunken areas It's difficult for a large flat car body to get back to its original position, so sometimes fire collection is also used. It means that the iron sheet shrinks after local heating and cooling The ultimate goal is to restore the damaged body.
  • What are the basic skills of car painting?

    2019-11-21 11:48:18
    There are three main factors that affect the appearance of the car: the color of the car, the texture of the top coat and the condition of the top coat. Especially the color is the basis of judging the quality.
  • What are the steps to repair the damaged sheet metal?

    2019-11-20 11:45:45
    Once the car sheet metal is damaged, the beauty of the car surface will drop in a straight line, especially when some novice friends are driving their car, there are many factors that are difficult to control, such as reversing and parking, etc. if they don't pay attention to it, it will affect their car, so what steps should be taken to repair the car sheet metal damage?
  • What are the outstanding skills and functions of sheet metal in automobile maintenance?

    2019-11-19 11:41:14
    In automobile maintenance, sheet metal workers are using sheet metal and various types of materials to process different shapes of metal components through sheet metal processing skills. Automobile sheet metal components are widely used in automobile manufacturing and automobile repair. In addition, the automobile cover parts are mostly made of sheet metal, which is easy to be corroded and damaged, so sheet metal work plays an extremely important role in the automobile repair industry. As a good sheet metal worker, it is necessary to know all kinds of metal materials used for automobile sheet metal, mechanical functions of various materials, lofting, turning over and blanking knowledge of sheet metal, and how to use materials reasonably to ensure the quality and power of sheet metal work.
  • How to paint auto body parts?

    2019-11-18 11:38:57
    Sheet metal parts are processed on metals of different properties. There is a certain demand for metal materials in the process of sheet metal processing. Of course, this is not only the demand for sheet metal integrity, but also for the surface of metal. For example, whether the metal is over oxidized or not, there is a demand for gold in the process of sheet metal processing of chassis cutting drum cabinet Genus cannot be oxidized. In addition, the thickness of metal is required to exceed the thickness of the product after disposal. However, in practice, there is hardly any metal that has not been oxidized, so how to dispose of the metal that has been oxidized?
  • The importance of auto sheet metal parts in auto repair industry?

    2019-11-15 11:34:01
    When talking about sheet metal parts, maybe you don't know his name very well. What kind of parts does it belong to? In fact, we can often use his name in our life, and we can't do without his help. Because it's a sheet metal process. It's processed by this kind of product, and it needs to go through some components of power supply and cutting The most important function of the class is that its weight is very light and it is also very convenient to lift. It will also bring us more help when it is used. Moreover, its strength is also praiseworthy. Its conductive function is particularly good, and its cost is relatively low. If you are mass production, you can choose it Choosing it can save us a lot.
  • How to process the automobile sheet metal parts safely?

    2019-11-14 11:30:15
    The development of automobile sheet metal parts processing industry is relatively late, many enterprises' production technology is relatively backward, and the production management is not perfect. If we carefully inspect the sheet metal processing places, we will find that most of them still have potential safety hazards. Therefore, in order to ensure our personal safety, we need to know more about some noteworthy points during sheet metal processing. Here are some summary points to share with you:
  • How to effectively prevent automobile sheet metal parts from rusting?

    2019-11-13 11:16:41
    As a commonly used stamping method, automobile sheet metal processing can be divided into separation process and forming process. The former can separate the stamping parts from the blank along a certain contour line in the stamping process, and the quality of the separated section is also in line with the different requirements put forward by different users. The latter is to ensure that the stamping blank is not damaged, plastic deformation occurs, and changes into the required shape of the finished product, and all aspects are able to meet the requirements.
  • How about the development of stamping technology of hardware automobile in the future?

    2019-11-12 17:16:58
    Metal stamping industry is a very wide range of industries, deep into all aspects of the manufacturing industry, in foreign countries, metal stamping is called sheet forming. In our country, there are also such names. What is China's metal stamping industry like? How is it abroad? How do we go? That's what we all care about.
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Auto Body Parts,Sheet Metal Body Parts,Auto Parts Manufacturer


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