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  • How to effectively prevent automobile sheet metal parts from rusting?

    2019-11-13 11:16:41
    As a commonly used stamping method, automobile sheet metal processing can be divided into separation process and forming process. The former can separate the stamping parts from the blank along a certain contour line in the stamping process, and the quality of the separated section is also in line with the different requirements put forward by different users. The latter is to ensure that the stamping blank is not damaged, plastic deformation occurs, and changes into the required shape of the finished product, and all aspects are able to meet the requirements.
  • How about the development of stamping technology of hardware automobile in the future?

    2019-11-12 17:16:58
    Metal stamping industry is a very wide range of industries, deep into all aspects of the manufacturing industry, in foreign countries, metal stamping is called sheet forming. In our country, there are also such names. What is China's metal stamping industry like? How is it abroad? How do we go? That's what we all care about.
  • What are the specifications for the processing of automobile stamping hardware shell?

    2019-11-11 17:14:12
    In addition to forming thick plates by water press, stamping equipment generally adopts mechanical press. With modern high-speed multi position mechanical press as the center, equipped with uncoiler, leveler, finished product collection, conveying and other machinery, as well as mold library and rapid die change device, and controlled by computer program, a high productivity automatic stamping production line can be formed.
  • How to identify whether the stamping parts of hardware vehicles are qualified?

    2019-11-08 17:10:54
    Metal stamping parts are parts that can be processed by stamping, bending, stretching and other means. A general definition is the parts with constant thickness in the process of processing. Metal stamping is very important in industrial production. It is widely used in electronics, auto parts, mechanical parts, etc., but what kind of metal stamping parts are qualified products? How does the metal stamping parts factory produce qualified products? Now the automobile stamping parts factory will explain to you how to identify the metal stamping parts process is qualified.
  • Analysis of the difference between automotive stamping parts and sheet metal parts?

    2019-11-07 17:08:26
    A lot of things in our life are formed by precision hardware processing, such as auto parts, bolts, mobile phone shell, etc. many friends who are engaged in this field ask about the difference between auto sheet metal parts and stamping parts?
  • What are the main contents of car maintenance?

    2019-11-06 17:05:34
    In terms of the current market, automobile maintenance projects can be divided into four parts: external maintenance, body maintenance, interior maintenance and functional maintenance. The branches evolved from these four parts also include: hub renovation and color change, hub color printing, paint quick repair, lamp renovation and color change, glass repair, body film, glass film, body plating, hub plating, hub wire drawing, interior cleaning, interior modification, air conditioning maintenance, navigation upgrade and many other maintenance projects.
  • Analyze the difference between painting and non painting dent repair of automobile body parts?

    2019-11-05 09:26:05
    The damage of automobile paint can be divided into deformation damage and scratch damage. Scratch damage can be repaired by polishing or serious repair. In the deformation damage, it can be divided into paint free repair without paint damage and body and paint repair with paint damage.
  • How to solve the problem that the punching size of the stamping parts of the hardware automobile does not match?

    2019-11-04 09:22:57
    Metal stamping industry is an industry which involves a wide range of fields. It goes deep into all aspects of the manufacturing industry. It is a kind of technology that uses punch and mold to deform or fracture iron, aluminum, copper and other materials to reach a certain shape and size.
  • What is the development of China's automobile stamping Market?

    2019-11-01 09:20:40
    In recent years, with the introduction of new models, the replacement of old models and the continuous expansion of production scale of domestic and foreign vehicles and parts, the demand for automotive stamping parts is also increasing. Therefore, around obtaining new supply channels, the world's stamping parts manufacturers with advanced technology and the national stamping parts manufacturers with cost competitiveness are strengthening their respective business fields and accelerating the construction of stamping parts production system.
  • Analysis of the reason and control method of wrinkling of automobile stamping parts?

    2019-10-31 09:18:14
    The production of automobile stamping parts is a very important part in automobile manufacturing. For example, the body, frame, carriage and body body of car are made of steel stamping parts. According to statistics, an average car needs about 1500 stamping parts. With China's increasing automobile output year by year, foreign capital has entered China to set up factories, and to meet the hot domestic and export demand at the same time, the demand for automotive stamping parts is bound to be a good opportunity for China's stamping industry to enter the upgrading.
  • Why is stamping die widely used?

    2019-10-30 09:14:50
    Automobile stamping parts are the metal stamping parts of automobile parts. In automobile stamping parts, one part is directly formed into automobile parts after stamping, and the other part needs to be welded, machined or painted after stamping. There are many kinds of automobile stamping parts, such as spring tray, spring seat, spring bracket, end cover, cover, compression valve cover, compression valve sleeve, oil seal seat, bottom cover, dust cover, impeller, oil cylinder, support and so on.
  • How to check and maintain the engine under the front cover of the car?

    2019-10-29 14:25:23
    Many people will think that the engine compartment under the front cover of the car is too complex. The inspection should be done by the 4S shop after-sales or maintenance shop. In fact, we can do this by ourselves as far as the oil inspection is concerned, and mastering the oil state can find the fault symptoms of the car in time. Today's automobile sheet metal parts manufacturers teach you simple automobile engine inspection and maintenance
  • What are the design requirements of car door?

    2019-10-28 14:22:31
    For the inspection of new car doors, it is necessary to first observe whether there are small ripples in the frame of new car doors, then check whether there are problems in the A-pillar, B-pillar and C-pillar of new car doors, and check whether there is corrosion on the prism of new car frame. This is a very easy place for problems, because many people will accidentally bump into the obstacles around the car body when opening the door, so the paint surface of prism will be rusted.
  • What should be paid attention to when painting body parts of electric vehicles?

    2019-10-25 14:20:16
    After the electric vehicle is damaged due to deformation and other reasons, there will be some defects that cannot be remedied after the correction of the body metal of the electric vehicle. In order to make it more perfect and exquisite, we must use sculpture technology to make up for the defects. These works must involve the body and paint of the vehicle. The following is a brief introduction by the auto parts manufacturers:
  • How about the sheet metal repair process of EV body?

    2019-10-24 14:17:29
    Electric vehicle sheet metal parts is a method of electric vehicle maintenance, also known as cold work. If the appearance of the electric vehicle body is damaged or deformed, sheet metal is needed. Now the electric vehicle collision repair has developed from the original "smash welding and pull repair" to the secondary manufacturing and assembly of the electric vehicle body. The following is mainly to introduce the relevant process of the body sheet metal repair of electric vehicles.
  • How should vulnerable auto parts be maintained?

    2019-10-23 14:12:54
    There are a lot of vulnerable parts on the car. If these parts are not checked and maintained regularly, your car may break down and bring you inconvenience. This is the same reason that people need to check their bodies regularly. The following auto parts manufacturers will introduce the inspection and maintenance methods of vulnerable auto parts.
  • How to distinguish the quality of automobile sheet metal parts?

    2019-10-22 09:47:24
    The sheet metal parts of automobile generally refer to the metal shell of automobile, which is usually made of steel plate. On the basis of ensuring certain strength, it is the basic requirement to reduce the weight as much as possible. In addition to the role of protection and beauty, automobile sheet metal parts are also the main carrier of automobile gas resistance. Therefore, the quality and service life of automobile sheet metal parts not only affect the appearance of automobile, but also increase the resistance of air to automobile due to the quality and deformation, so as to reduce its economy.
  • How to apply the basic coating process to the maintenance of automobile sheet metal parts?

    2019-10-21 09:43:36
    Ferrous metal plate is easy to be oxidized and rusted gradually due to contact with air or contamination with harmful substances and other factors, resulting in yellow rust spots and damage to the original coating layer. Especially for the parts processed by hammering, welding and other processes in the process of sheet metal operation, it is more likely to damage the original coating protection layer and accelerate corrosion. Even if the paint film is sprayed, the paint film will fall off together with the basic coating quickly. At this time, a thorough coating treatment must be carried out again.
  • Do you know the difficulties of stamping parts?

    2019-10-18 09:39:02
    From the current point of view, we may not be very familiar with and understand the knowledge of stamping parts, but there is still a lack of this aspect, so it is necessary to understand.
  • How to choose the right materials for automobile stamping parts?

    2019-10-17 09:35:52
    Automobile stamping parts are metal stamping parts which constitute automobile parts. They are various, such as spring tray, spring seat, spring bracket, end cover, cover, compression valve cover, compression valve cover, oil seal seat, bottom cover, dust cover, impeller, oil cylinder, support and so on. When selecting materials for automobile stamping parts, firstly, according to the types and characteristics of automobile stamping, metal materials with different mechanical properties are selected to ensure the quality of products and save materials.
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Auto Body Parts,Sheet Metal Body Parts,Auto Parts Manufacturer


Xinggang Avenue NO.6,Genggeng Industrial Zone,BaoYing Couty,JiangSu Province,China.